Boone Health Wound Healing Center

Wound Care

With our caring staff and specialized treatment plans developed just for you, we have what you need to get back on your feet again. Most of our treatments are covered by Medicare/Medicaid, HMOs, and other private insurance plans. We are experts at caring for people whose wounds have resisted traditional treatment. Call us or come by to schedule an appointment.

1701 E. Broadway
Broadway Medical Plaza 3, Suite 106
Columbia, Mo 65201

Phone: 573.815.3612

There’s no longer any reason to live with a non-healing wound.

When should I seek treatment for my wound at a Wound Care Center?

Ask your doctor about visiting our Wound Care Center if:

  • You have a wound that hasn’t healed in 30 days (commonly experienced by people with diabetes).
  • You have a sore with increasing pain, redness or swelling, foul odor, or a change in color.
  • You have a surgical wound that has become infected.

Understanding the Process

Wound healing is usually natural and uneventful, but sometimes it becomes a complicated process requiring unique treatment and care. The clinic's staff assess wounds and determine treatment based upon advanced medical technology, and coordinate the care of other primary or underlying medical conditions. Family and patient education is provided as an important part of the healing process.

The causes of poor wound healing are varied but may include one of the following:



Prolonged external pressure placed against soft tissue and bony areas may contribute to a wound or hinder wound healing.


Trauma & Edema

Wounds that are constantly injured heal either very slowly or not at all. Tissue swelling (edema) reduces the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the wound area and delays healing.



Certain bacterial organisms may cause either a local (at the wound site) or systemic (total body) infection that can delay the healing process.



The inability to control bowel and bladder function contributes to delayed wound healing by introducing moisture and irritants to the wound site.


Inappropriate Local Wound Environment

Wounds left open to air heal slowly, whereas a moist—not wet—wound environment encourages the healing process. Research also has shown that dead tissue (necrotic material) must be removed to improve healing.

Systemic Factors

Other systemic factors that affect the body's response to wound healing are listed below:

  • Age
    Development of wounds occurs more frequently in the elderly due to a variety of reasons including improper nutrition.
  • Body Build
    A person who is obese may not have proper blood supply as fat tissue may be unable to deliver the nutrients needed for wound healing. People who are thin or emaciated may not have the nutritional elements needed for wound healing.
  • Chronic Diseases
    Various disease processes, e.g. diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and respiratory conditions may negatively impact the wound healing process by decreasing oxygen or blood flow to the area. Careful management of any disease is important to maximize wound healing.
  • Drug Therapies
    Various types of medications impact the wound healing process.
  • Nutrition
    Nutrients and fluids are essential to provide the body with energy for cellular repair and healing.

The staff's advanced multi-disciplinary team approach to wound healing offers benefits to both the individual and other healthcare providers. Patients may arrange a consultation with our team or be referred by other physicians or healthcare providers.