Social Media Disclaimer

By participating in this social media forum, you acknowledge and agree that you may be voluntarily sharing aspects of your protected health information, as that term is defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and its supporting regulations, and that Boone Health is not responsible for the release of this information within this forum, nor does Boone Health represent that this information is accurate. Any information you receive through this forum does not constitute medical advice, medical recommendations, diagnosis or treatment. Do not rely on the information in this forum in place of seeking professional medical advice. Boone Health, its providers and affiliated entities shall not be responsible or liable for any advice, arranging for a course of treatment or follow-up treatment, diagnosis or any other information that you obtain through this forum. You are encouraged to talk to your doctor with regard to information you shared or is otherwise contained within this forum. Reliance on any information within this forum is solely at your own risk.

Please be aware that you may be identifying yourself to others in this forum who may seek to contact you based on the information provided here.