
Available outreach clinic space

Looking to expand your practice to other community.  Boone Hospital Center has several turnkey options currently available.

Inpatient or Outpatient

A quick reference guide for helping to determine if a Medicare patient should be treated on an inpatient or outpatient basis.

Affiliation Verification

For use by Healthcare entities only to verify a practitioners affiliation with Boone Hospital Center. Please note this service requires acknowledgment of a signed release by the practitioner.

Clinical Laboratory Services

The laboratory department at Boone Hospital Center provides routine, emergency, and esoteric testing for patients in the community we serve. Services are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The laboratory departments are staffed with nationally certified clinical technical specialists, medical laboratory technologists, medical laboratory technicians and histotechnicians.

Commonly requested documents - such a standard laboratory request and testing catalogs - are available for download.

Continuing Medical Education

CPT Guides

Nuclear Medicine

Drug Information Service

The Pharmacy Department at Boone Hospital offers a Drug Information Service (DIS), which utilizes the latest electronic database technology and provides reliable, concise, and timely drug information to physicians and other health care professionals. DIS, uses a Micromedex, compact disc database, which includes Drugdex, Identidex and Martindale's (international) references. Information requested can either be faxed or mailed and service is available 24 hours a day. Contact DIS at 573.815.3201.


For cath lab and procedure room

Ethics Program

In a health care setting, people may face significant opportunity, uncertainty, and conflict regarding their deepest values. Boone Hospital Center maintains an Ethics Program in the form of an Ethics Committee and an Ethics Consult Team to help patients, their family and friends, hospital staff, and physicians make the best of these situations.

The Ethics Committee, an interdisciplinary group of professionals with knowledge and skills in applied ethics, meets regularly to plan education activities, review cases, and keep ongoing attention on enhancing ethical decision-making at BHC.

The Ethics Consult Team provides on-call support to anyone who anticipates more involved ethical needs, who is working through an ethically challenging situation, or who needs debriefing after such a situation. A consultation or debriefing can be initiated by calling the hospital switchboard and asking for the Ethics Contact Person on call.

Medical Library

Boone Hospital Center is a member of the Regional Medical Library Network and is committed to providing quality information to the health professions. Computer produced literature searches of the National Library of Medicine's MEDLARS databases are available upon request. MEDLINE, CANCERLIT, and the Cochrane Library of Evidence Based Medicine are among the databases accessed most frequently. Search results, as well as copies of journal articles, or medical textbook information, can be faxed or mailed upon request. On the BHC Intranet, several searchable databases are available; hundreds of journals are also accessible. In addition, the Intranet's library section includes a CME Center. Several options for free interactive CME are available here.

Oncology Data Services (Cancer Registry)

The Cancer Registry is a data system used to monitor all types of cancer diagnosed and/or treated at Boone Hospital Center. The main objective of the Cancer Registry is to provide accurate and useful data to enable physicians to evaluate and improve care of the cancer patient. Complete information about the current health status of each patient is obtained annually by reviewing readmission records and contacting physicians, or if that is not possible, through direct patient contact. The ability of the Cancer Registrar to extract meaningful data for physician studies is totally dependent upon the cooperation of those physicians contacted. The Cancer Registry staff encourages the medical staff, referring physicians, and other hospital professionals to take advantage of the valuable information maintained in the Registry. Contact the Cancer Registry at 573.815.3821 or 573.815.6079.

Cancer Conferences

All physicians are encouraged to attend cancer conferences, Boone Hospital’s cancer program has three types of cancer conferences. All the conferences are held in the administration large conference room. Cancer conference notices and cancellations are sent via email from the cancer registry email.

  • The breast and general cancer conferences are held at 7:00 on 1st, 3rd, and 4th Thursday of each month. in Conference room D.]
  • The thoracic conference is held at 7:00 am on the 2nd Thursday of each month. in Conference room D.

Physicians may receive cancer conference notices and request case presentations for their patients by emailing the cancer registry at All case presentation requests must be made by Noon the Friday before the conference. This allows pathology and radiology time to prepare the cases. Please include name, date of birth, pathology, and imaging information with the request. This CME activity is designated for one hour of Category I AMA/PRA credit. The cancer registry may also be contacted at 573.815.3821.

Patient Transfer Center


Medical Staff Office

(For Medical Professional Use Only)

How are we Doing?

Physicians: We want to know how well we are serving you and your patients.  Let us know by filling out this short form.